Midnight in Paris: Photography by Agathe

Hi friends,

I hope you’re recovering well from the copious amounts of food from Thanksgiving. As for me, I’m still eating the leftovers from the Friendsgiving I hosted here in Paris.

Last month, a girl named Agathe blind messaged me on Instagram asking if I was interested in modeling for her. She explained that she’s a student photographer and looking to build her portfolio. At this point, I’ve had years of experience meeting up with photographers that I meet on Instagram; but nevertheless, I still try to do as much research about the person beforehand. Agathe seemed so kind and sincere, so I decided to take a chance and meet up with her.

We originally met up near the famous Pont Alexandre III, a famous bridge that spans the Seine and has a lovely view of the Eiffle Tower. My first impression of Agathe was her quiet kindness. I asked her how she found me on Instagram and she said that she saw me in Raphael’s clothes on Instagram. She’s only been doing photography for a few years but between her and her boyfriend, whose also a photographer, she’s clearly quick to learn and develop her own style.

As the sun began to set, we took the metro to shoot near the Lourve and ended up in front of the Pyramids. It was a chilly evening but not nearly as cold as it is now. The soft glow of the lamps surrounding the entry to the Lourve made the night feel like a scene out of a movie. Street musicians playing the accordion and clarinet only added to the romance and pure magic that is Paris at midnight.

As a political science student who recently moved to Paris, she’s currently balancing between school exam and creative projects. With a few agency shoots under her belt, Agathe is just at the beginning of her journey as a photographer and I can’t wait to see how her tallent blooms over time.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my latest blog post. You can see more of Agathe’s photography here.




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